Vacancy for a postdoc

Posted by chris on November 21, 2012

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research assistant position to work on a new RCUK funded project in the Argumentation Research Group within the School of Computing at the University of Dundee.

The University of Dundee has partnered with the University of Newcastle in an RCUK Digital Economy Hub focusing on Social Inclusion in the Digital Economy (see As a part of this major initiative, a new collaboration has formed between the Argumentation Research Group at Dundee and the BBC. The focus of this collaboration is upon how older people in particular might engage with online resources associated with broadcast programmes. Specifically, we are interested in exploring how existing tools for online argument and debate developed using analysis of the BBC Radio 4 programme, ‘The Moral Maze’ might be extended to support and encourage engagement from older listeners.

The post will require experience with both argumentation and human centered computing, ideally with a focus on usability for excluded or disadvantaged users. Good design skills and software engineering experience will be important, as we will be deploying software with users.

The job will also involve engaging with programme makers and producers at the BBC, so a high level of professionalism and reliability is essential.

At the most recent RAE, the School’s research was rated fourth in Scotland, with two thirds of its research rated world leading or internationally excellent (4* or 3*). The School also has the third highest research income per capita of any Computer Science Department in the UK. Dundee has been ranked amongst the top places in the world for scientists to work (The Scientist), and has one of the lowest costs of living in the UK.

The post will be held in the Argumentation Research Group in the School of Computing at the University of Dundee. The post will commence from 01 February 2013 (or other date by negotiation), and is fixed term until 30 September 2014.  More information is available from the research group website at

Remuneration will be at Grade 7, at a spinal point dependent on qualifications and experience (£29,249 – £35,938). Further details and an application pack are available from our website:  Alternatively, contact Personnel Services, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 4HN, tel: (01382) 384817 (answering machine).

The closing date for applications is 7 January 2013.
Please quote Reference number ASE/0176